The guy was really nice, open minded and very dedicated. He'd been dancing tango for some time. As we paired up and tried milonga lisa and traspie mixtures it dawned on me that he couldn't keep beat. He also didn't know how to lead a change of weight. He just expected me to do it and followed the exact steps directed by the teacher and only that. I knew I was in trouble.
I took a deep breath, hope I didn't offend, switched the embrace and started leading him. I tried to be as smiley as I could and communicated what needed to go on. When we switched partners, this happened again. The class was milonga lisa and traspie.
A lot of men have trouble with traspie. It's not a step, not a complete change of weight, but a bounce. This eludes many. During group discussions I explained to the crowd that as a lead, you can stick your foot out as many times as you like, but if you don't bounce, there will be no signal to your follows to do the same. But if you take a step, you're going to be late on the beat. It is the intention of a step, quickly pulled back that equals a traspie. The intention is transmitted to the follow and she does the same.
At the end of the class I took a sigh. I had hoped to learn something intricate, but instead ended up fixing and cleaning people's leads. This makes me sad because its an intermediate/advanced class. Leading a change of weight is a basic foundation of tango like one's ABC's.
Tangoing for 5 years does not make you advanced, intermediate or beginner. It just means you've danced within the span of five years. Once a month for five years is different than every day for five years. So here's a list of things to check off before calling yourself intermediate (not in any specific order). Feel free to add.
1. Do you know how to change your partner's weight?
2. Do you know what a cabaceo is?
3. You use cabaceo routinely.
4. You do not lead your partner into other couples.
5. You do not gancho your partner into tables, chairs and/or other inanimate objects.
6. You do not EVER lead high boleos on a crowded floor.
7. You stay away from the center of the dance floor.
8. You will NEVER lead jumps, splits or aerodynamic maneuvers unless its an empty floor.
9. You haven't knocked anyone off their axis within the last 6 months.
10. Followers know exactly what you are leading without you telling them, correcting them or showing them, 80% of the time.
11. You know your basic rock steps, turns, pivots, walking forward, backward, sideways in your sleep!
12. You know where her feet is 90% of the time.
13. You do NOT look down to see where her feet is, where your feet are or possible moves you make. Unless there's roadkill on the floor, just don't look down. It's tacky and silly.
14. You have perfected your embrace. It is solid. Not mushy, not too light, not too soft, not too hard.
15. She can follow you blind-folded.
1. You do not anticipate the next move. It could be anything. (this took me a whole year!)
2. Relax. Get comfortable. Think happy thoughts :)
3. Be grounded in your axis at all times (with exceptions).
4. Understand clearly the basics of tango, change of weights, change in direction, ochos, etc
5. You do NOT do what you are not led to doing. If it doesn't feel like a gancho/boleo, don't do it! You're not helping anyone by doing something that was lead incorrectly.
6. You stop thinking about steps.
7. You start thinking about how things feel.
8. You can follow him blind-folded.
9. You do what you are led, not what you thought may have been led. See #5
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Tango Classes
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Good observations. You're not advanced, or even intermediate until you know how to dance milonga, IMHO.
Thank you for posting again. I've missed your insightful commentary.
Having danced in Tampa, St. Petersburg, Sarasota, Gainesville & Tallahassee FL and Anchorage AK for about 1 year, I found that no one does cabaceo. Men just walk up to women and ask them to dance and mostly they accept. I tried the cabaceo for a while but have given it up now since the women don't seem to know what it is. How is it in other parts of the country?
Interesting dilemma to take a class in traspie and expect every partner in the class to already know traspie is kind of funny.
Perhaps you should have just signed up for "advanced" classes only and you would have found some dancers approaching your capabilities. Or rather just take private lessons from professionals.
In some countries I'm certain that the offender would have been asked to leave the class but in the USA we like to pretend that everyone is equal, even though they aren't, and event promoters can't really go around enforcing dance standards, because they would lose business.
Perhaps to fix this issue they should have 4 levels:
1. intermediate
2. advanced
3. SUPER advanced
4. Expert
Most people don't want to play with the slow kids, they want to be intermediate, but 99% of these same people KNOW they are not ADVANCED dancers so they will have to opt for intermediate. Right?
This way the errant leader can feel better about his "self-emasculation" if he opted for a lower ranking rather than having someone just "change the lead" on him. Poor dude. I hope he got the hint and snuck back to the "slower" classes where he could bone up his dance chops.
here's my two cents on being and "intermediate" dancer. I think a lot of what you said is technically correct. but here's what I look for in a new follower (and I rarely dance with people I don't already know)
I usually watch very carefully how a follower dances before I decide I will ask her to dance, and I only look for one thing...
Has she smiled once during the time I was watching?
If so then the embrace will likely not feel iky or gross or needy or emotionally heavy or pretentious.
Energy is everything in Tango. How you leave your partner feeling after the tango is everything.
Technique is secondary. It's not what you do on the floor, even "experts" have have bumped into me while I was in a pause with my novice follower, and by your standards that would make them beginners for the next 6 months or so. That's just wrong.
I think that the difference between a beginner and an intermediate dancer is whether or not the dancer feels comfortable with what ever moves they are dancing. Not crashing/floor craft is important, yes, but dancing without thinking, and just being one with your partner for 3.5 minutes is even more important.
On being an intermediate human being versus an advanced one:
I have read that a scrap of HUMILITY is key, however I am just repeating what I read in some book.
There is always something to be learned by dancing with a beginner. I like to work on foot work and balance and of course my lead and floor craft and most of all patience. The list is endless...
cheers, lg
Nice list, but #9, "You haven't knocked anyone off their axis within the last 6 months."
WHOA! that's a tall order! tell you what if I do I'll buy you a beer and we'll call it even.
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hmmmm, quite strange that sentence about ":blindfolded" :P my follower started to dance tango with closed eyes some time ago :) and I find it quite comforting for me, since I have a proof she has a complete trust in my lead :P (and any mistake is my fault, than... :PP) and she stopped dancing any figures in advance just on the base she expected me to do that :))
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